Spinal Decompression

chiropractic table

Until you experience a back injury, you have no real understanding of how debilitating it is. Virtually every movement uses one of the back or adjoining muscles. Back pain sufferers experience numbness, weakness, and reduced functioning of the limbs. Back pain interferes with work, sleep, and relaxation as well. If your injury progresses to the point where the disc material moves into spaces occupied by nerves, you are facing back surgery…well until now that is. With the inception of spinal decompression machines, patients now have a non- surgical option to relieve the nonstop pain they have been experiencing.

Decompression is a non-surgical treatment to help in the management of serious low back, leg, &/or neck pain. It is directed at relieving pressure on structures that may be a major source of pain. It can relieve the pain associated with bulging and herniated discs, degenerative discs, facet syndrome, sciatica, and headaches. Decompression helps relieve pain by decompression of lumbar or cervical discs and joints. The cyclical, painless stretching reduces pressure and promotes blood and fluid flow. This helps improve healing gently and naturally.

Watch Our Video on Spinal Decompression


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